
The ESA Arctic Phi-Lab Norway, hereafter referred to as the Arctic Phi-Lab has been established in Tromsø, Norway.

Avtalen om å åpne ESA Phi Lab Norway ble signert i Tromsø i juli 2024 av (t.v.) Luca del Monte, Leder for kommersialiseringsavdelingen i ESA og Rolf Skatteboe, Administrerende direktør i KSAT.
Foto KSAT/D. Jensen

Kongsberg Satellite Services is responsible for managing the Phi-Lab on behalf of the local Phi-Lab partners currently including UIT, NORCE, Norinnova, Akvaplan-niva and Jordobservasjon AS.

The Arctic Phi-Lab shall foster innovative research and development of satellite based technologies, products and/or services with an Arctic focus, including capabilities for operational information systems and services, new space-borne sensors and platforms, and generate information products which are complementary to existing commercial and institutional space programs, e.g. Copernicus.

The Arctic Phi-Lab contributes to the Φ-labNET, one of the Components of the Innovate Element in the ScaleUp Programme, ESA is rolling out several different Φ-labs in ESA Member States. The objective is to create a dynamic network of Φ-labs across Europe focusing on delivering innovation, reducing the time-to-market and with potential to disrupt and transform markets.