Invitation to apply to Arctic Phi-Lab call for proposals

We have no current call for proposals

Thank you for your interest in the ESA Phi-Lab Norway, hereafter referred to as the Arctic Phi-Lab. Space-based studies and technology developments bring benefits to Earth in the form of services and top-class science. This makes the space industrial sector of high strategic and economic value. At the same time leading edge research brings benefit to space, and indeed to Earth and society with disruptive innovation.

A dynamic network of Phi-Labs across Europe

As part of the Phi-labNET, one of the Components of the Innovate Element in the ScaleUp Programme, ESA is rolling out several different Phi-labs in ESA Member States. The objective is to create a dynamic network of Phi-labs across Europe focusing on delivering innovation, reducing the time-to-market and with potential to disrupt and transform markets.

In Norway, Kongsberg Satellite Services is responsible for managing the Arctic Phi-Lab on behalf of the local Arctic Phi-Lab partners now including UiT, NORCE, Norinnova and Akvaplan-niva.

A comprehensive package of support to research teams

The Arctic Phi-Lab offers a comprehensive package of support to research teams selected, including access to and use of Phi-Lab laboratories, equipment, innovation seed funding, technical support, business coaching, and legal/IPR advice.

The focus of the Arctic Phi-Lab is innovative research and development related to satellite-based technologies, products and/or services with an Arctic focus. The activities shall foster innovative capabilities for operational information systems and services, new space-borne sensors and platforms, and generate information products which are complementary to existing commercial and institutional space programs, e.g. Copernicus.

The Arctic Phi-Lab hereby invites you to submit your application in response to the Arctic Phi-Lab open call invitation. The invitation provide an introduction to the application and evaluation process and contains references to the templates that should be used when applying.


This first Open Call deadline is October 31. 2024 at 15.00 CET. Proposal submitted after the closing date may be considered for a later open call. It is expected that the evaluation process will take approximately one month.

Get in touch early in the preparation phase

The Arctic Phi-Lab encourage potential bidders to contact the Phi-Lab early in the preparation phase to obtain support and advice on how to prepare your proposal most successfully.

Yours sincerely,
Jan Petter Pedersen
Senior Advisor, The Arctic Phi-Lab